Welcome to Our Members Site!

Hi There!
You have arrived at our member’s site for active clients of Petty, Michel and Associates. PM&A, (that’s us!) specializes in personal and customized coaching for successful chiropractic offices, or those on their way to becoming so.
If you are already a member:
If you are an active member, you should have your own special password to log in. When you do log in, hundreds of customizable documents are available to you for download and use. We also have audio lectures for your staff training, and soon video lectures as well.
We will be regularly adding new material to our practice building library. Just for you. So, check back often.
If you don’t have your password, give us a call immediately and we will get you one.
Check out ALL the TOOLS, piles of ads, promotions, forms, etc., — over 550 documents and 33 audio lectures.
Not yet a member?
If you are not an active client, you might consider becoming one!
We have 2 basic Coaching Programs to get you started, or if you want all of the “good stuff”, we have 3 levels of advanced Management Programs for you participation.
We are different.
We are a totally unique company. Not like any other you have ever worked with.
- We have been consulting chiropractors since the mid 1980’s
- Our knowledge comes from working with hundreds of other offices, at their office, with their staff, associates, patients and community.
- Our specialty is customized, personalized coaching and management based upon a quarter century of work.
- All of our programs include regular detailed analysis, multi-perspective evaluations, practice analytics, and follow up coaching. We zero in!
- All of our Management Programs have regular on-site visits including: thorough evaluations, coaching, mini customized workshops and training, and tailored practice development projects.
- We follow-up. We are very friendly and understanding, but also just a bit demanding and insistent. We will take you up and out of your comfort zone.
To sign up for one of our programs, or find out more, please come to the page linked to below.
Thank you for your time and best wishes for your success.
Ed Petty,
and the PM&A gang.
More info about Petty, Michel & Associates Chiropractic Practice Development Programs